Wednesday, February 18, 2009



Thursday, July 31, 2008

Anyone know a sodomy specialist?

My friend ask, "I have stomachache for few days already, can you recommend a famous Sodomy Specialist for me?"

I was puzzle, "A Sodomy Specialist? I cannot find that particular specialist under World Medical Association. Furthermore stomachahce has nothing to do with sodomy! Why not go for an experience GP (General Practitioner) and ask him to do some basic inspection?"

He answer, "Oh no, because an experience General Practitioner is not in a position to examine the stomachache. A gastrology may not be suitable, because in Malaysia, our beloved country, stomachache may either directly or indirectly related to my ass muscle. It might be the loose tension in my ass muscle that's causing my stomachache. "

I said, "What does a stomachache has to do with your Ass muscle? That is not related at all. Where do you learn this information from? Who told you this?"

He answer, "This is from the President of Hospital Pusrawi, he said an experience GP is not in the position to examine Stomachache, and furthermore stomachache has to inspect the anal muscle, scar, etc."

I said, "....@@@@... .. No Wonder Malaysia BOLEH~! We can be the most advance country in this world given that we have found out stomachache actually related to Ass muscle!"

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pusrawi, Telling truth???

Exerpt from Mahaguru blog:

Well, I am sure that most of us rational Malaysians have just had enough of the way truth and justice have been continuously sodomized in this country!
Damn! Sodomy is now the most common word in this nation that pretends itself to be the paragon of Islamic awareness as witnessed by the endless symposiums, seminars, talks, gatherings of so called Islamic scholars with degrees and scrolls attesting to their Islamic achievements but in reality this country is fast turning into a cesspool of filth and moral degradation!!!

I for one do not recognize that this country's rulers have done all that they can to uphold the true principles of Islam nor acknowledge that the Malay Sultans have actually done anything for the state of the Muslims of this pretentious nation!!!
You want to fool around in Malaysia?
Hell yeah! There are just about anything that sin cities like Haadyai, Patpong, Amsterdam, etc. have to offer is easily available here in Malaysia Bolehland!

Today, we are seeing how irresponsible and morally bankrupt the buggers in power are attempting to destroy the future of this country by systematically and willfully break all rules of proper conduct and governance by bending, twisting, fabricating, all known acceptable norms of the implementation of justice that the rule of law is now totally just a matter of what the Executive interprets it to be and all the various departments and agencies of government of this land are nothing but mere shells of what they are supposed to be?

From Putrajaya to Parliament, the idiots in power seem to think that Malaysians are still living in attap huts and riding bullock carts to be in a state of mind and mental limbo land that we can't figure out as to who is speaking the truth and who the hell are trying their level best to screw their political nemesis in any and every way possible?My disgust is further compounded with the way so called medical professionals prostitute themselves and the remnants of any integrity that they might possess in bending over backwards to accommodate the libeling and character assassination of a human being who so happens to be the one who is rallying Malaysians to overthrow the 51 years old regime of the Barisan Nasional from continuing to dictate over this country!!!

Now, PUSRAWI officials are stating that the Medical Doctor who ruled out any attempted sodomy of Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan after his medical examination of that political gigolo's arsehole to be that of a normal, unsodomized male beyond any doubts is NOT QUALIFIED to come to that decision???

Yet in another report, the hospital authorities say that Dr.Mohamed Osman is a good doctor and that they do not question his findings?
What a confusing manner is this flip flopping of statements accusing the doctor of being not specialized in the field of rectal examinations and in the same vein, say that he is an 'A Okay' doctor?
What other specialized qualifications does a well established medical doctor like Dr.Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid need in order to confirm that the political gigolo has not been buggered?

It's an insult to the professionalism of Dr.Mohamed Osman and he should sue the bollocks of those who are libelling him as being not qualified in his profession!!!

Click here to read about the good doctor's background. Don't tell me that after all these years of being a medical doctor, he can't tell the difference between someone's who has been buggered and someone who is obviously not?Link above sourced from Rocky Bru.

I have sensed all along that these dirty scoundrels masquerading as the leaders of this country's federal government will not act honorably towards their political opponents and will not waste a second using all the filthiest tricks of the trade to frame Anwar Ibrahim with the sodomite tag as best as they can?
All I can say is that I have lost all confidence in this nation's current government and all its law enforcement agencies or even the so called justice department.
It's all a sham and we all know it. Justice has long been prostituted and sold off for a pittance in Malaysia and all the extravagant luxurious buildings erected in Putrajaya come to mean nothing but empty vassals of a dictator's dream to substitute true justice for the sham that even he now regrets and bemoans in his blog.

As far as I see it, the sodomy charge is just a fabrication meant to stifle Anwar's march to Putrajaya and as a desperate attempt to throw a spanner in his political reform works.In today's world, some people are willing to sell their souls and arse to the devils for a chance to live in style! To hell with principles, good manners and decency!

Seems so, doesn't it?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

If you're surviving, please live with courage~!

The newspaper yesterday had given big coverage to Sze Chuan Province's earth quake. It's sad to learnt that there were many victims in this incident.

However, it really caught my attention when I read the following news:-

The rescue team has found a female body with both leg squatting down, extending both hand to support the body weight from the floor. But what really catch my attention is that rescue team has found a 3 months old baby under the body. Thanks to the protection by her mother's body, this baby was found in healthy condition.

Doctor has found a handphone with this baby with the message:-
"My dear baby, if you can survive, please leave your life with courage, I love you forever~!"
Most of the rescue team members drop their tears after reading this message...

My dear friends,

Our life is unpredicted, which is why our life is precious. But have you and I live our life with courage?
For those who is looking to commit suicide, why do you want to waste your precious life? Do you know that others is struggling hard to survive, but in the end still can't escape from death?
I just don't get the point that, while someone is struggling hard to survive, some can just simply choose to end their life, just because they have no courage to confront.

Besides, do we really treasure our precious life? Have we live our life to the fullest? Have you ever think, if you were lying there to wait for the final moment of your life to reach you, will you regret for not living your life to the fullest?
If you do, why not live your life to the fullest now? Why wait?

Furthermore, have you and I express our sincere thanks and love to our parents,who is willing to sacrify their life for you to survive?

Appreciate in time, express your love before it's too late...










Thursday, May 8, 2008



這一次可算是我第一次自己,在買了幾本書,看了幾個網頁后,自己設計公寓的裝修,然后再找來二手承包商動工,把原本估價的 RM12000 的裝修降低至RM4000.







Tuesday, April 15, 2008

安华阐述公正党新政治路线, 提倡人民主权推翻马来主权

人民公正党实权领袖安华在欢庆他恢复参政权的大集会上,向2万名支持者阐述该党的新政治路线,将以捍卫马来人宪赋特权,同时维护各族权利的“人民主权”论述(Ketuanan Rakyat),来推翻巫统一直所提倡的“马来主权”(Ketuanan Melayu)。此外,安华也宣布,该党决定禁止所有州务大臣、行政议员和首席部长参与商业活动,若有任何领袖或官员被发现涉及贪污丑闻,一律严加开除。嘲讽巫统败选后才想起马来人走多元种族政治路线的安华,选择在吉隆坡马来社区腹地甘榜巴鲁,以及马来先贤争取独立的苏丹苏莱曼俱乐部,当面呼吁以马来人为主的2万名支持者,当面挑战推翻数十年来深植于马来民族政治意识的“马来主权”概念,可谓掀开了我国政治里程碑的新一页。他在演讲中所提及的首项课题就是“马来主权”,首先他嘲讽巫统领袖,在大选中惨败,政权面对威胁时,才大谈马来人的权益与命运,大玩种族牌。“当他们的权力受到威胁时,他们才想到民族的命运,过去两个月,马来人与木屋区居民的命运没有得到关心,现在他们才来提马来主权!”安华讽刺选后不断炒作马来人主权受威胁论调的《马来西亚前锋报》,指该报以为大选还未结束,还在为巫统摇旗呐喊。“回去告诉你的老板和编辑,还未结束的是陷入激烈党争的巫统领袖,不是马来人或大马人民”,此言引起台下一阵掌声与笑声。维护各族权利马来人才能成功他认为,只有维护各族权利,让他们对这片土地拥有归属感,进而共同建设与发展国家,马来人才能在这样的基础上改善民族的命运。“马来人前途的斗争,若要真正有成果,必须要有新的精神、新的马来西亚、新的凝聚力、马来人的强大必须联合马来人、华人和印度人的力量,以撑起整个马来西亚。”“马来西亚的新政治,不是种族之间的斗争,马来人之所以被赋予领导的信任,是因为他们被视为公正,他们必须为马来人的命运而斗争,同时捍卫华人、印度人、伊班与卡达山朋友的权利。”保证不修改宪法土著特别地位安华再三向马来社群大派定心丸,强调这项新概念绝对不会忽略马来人的权益,更不会改变宪法153条文的土著特别地位,不同之处只是扶持马来人的方式与切入点。“马来人的权益不会被忽略,但是我们协助马来人的方式是扶助马来人,但是却不打压他人,我们会一起扶助华人与印度人朋友,好让他们感觉这是他们的国家。”他也尝试突出巫统以马来人主权之名,进行贪污滥权、利养朋党的勾当,来论证马来主权这项概念实际上无助马来民族,纯粹只是巫统领袖搜刮民富的幌子。“巫统的领袖不断重复他们要扶持马来人、扶持马来人、扶持马来人,事实上他们在败选后才想到马来人主权,但是若胜选就只是想到我、我的儿子,还有我的女婿。”巫统反对雪州养猪场表里不一安华也声称,尽管巫统大肆批评雪州政府决定在东目设立现代养猪场的决定,但是一家巫统朋党公司曾在大选前前往德国,准备引进现代养猪科技,在雪州经营养猪场,这充分反映巫统表里不一的作风。最后他以诚恳的语气,呼吁群众接受人民主权这个新概念,并带领全场出席者一起高喊“人民主权!”“我要呼吁马来朋友们,接受新的马来西亚主权概念,必须是人民主权!人民主权!人民主权!”从群众频频报以热烈掌声与欢呼声的反应来看,似乎都能抛弃马来主权,欣然接受人民主权的新概念。推翻国阵后将履行降油价承诺安华在演讲中的另一项重点,就是勾划出人民联盟未来的施政方针。他强调,人民联盟的目标并非修补现任政府所遗留下来的漏洞,而是推动全新议程与巨大改变、捍卫穷苦人民的权利,以及提高民族的尊严。他在保证绝不修改宪法153条文的土著特别地位的同时,也规定该党的政府要员不得参与商业活动。“153条文不是为了让雪州大臣致富,不是为了让公正党的议员致富,我们已经表明,州务大臣、行政议员、首席部长,被禁止涉及任何的商业活动。”他也承诺将严厉对付涉贪的领袖与官员,“只要我们的政治领袖或政府官员被发现涉及贪污,我们就马上开除他!”此言换来台下如雷的掌声。对于该党在本届大选的减低油价竞选宣言,至今仍然生效。安华答应,若民盟成功推翻国阵中央政府,第二天就马上宣布降低油价。“给我们一些时间,如果不是5月就6月,不是6月就7月,不是7月就8月,最重要的是,只要今天我们胜出,明天油价就降低。”在语文政策方面,除了坚持马来文作为国家语文,雪州政府必须提高政治人物与政府官员对马来人的掌握能力;安华也答应若人民联盟若执政,将会让各源流小学恢复以母语教数理,并其他更有效的方式加强英文水平。不过,安华恳求支持者给5个民盟州政府多一些时间来证明其执政能力,因为目前国阵依然控制资源丰富的中央政府,让州政府在施政反面受到局限。